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Download CorelDRAW.X6 Portable.Zip


CorelDRAW.X6 Portable.Zip

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 2018 is the newest version available
Our global community is buzzing with excitement over the new release of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X8. It’s overflowing with highly anticipated new features, such as the advanced support for Windows 10, multi-monitor viewing, 4K displays, the new Corel Font Manager™ X8 and our user-suggested features. Come take a closer look at how much has changed since your purchase of CorelDRAW X6.

Top reasons to upgrade from CorelDRAW X6
1.      NEW! Symmetry drawing mode
2.      NEW! Block Shadow tool
3.      NEW! Publish to WordPress
4.      NEW! AfterShot 3 HDR
5.      NEW! Straighten photos interactively
6.      NEW! Adjust photo perspective interactively
7.      NEW! Apply envelopes to bitmaps
8.      ENHANCED! LiveSketch tool
System Requirement
·         Microsoft Windows 10 8/8.1 (32-bit or 64-bit editions), Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit editions), all with latest service packs installed
·         Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64
·         2 GB RAM
·         1 GB hard disk space (for installation without content)
·         1280 x 768 screen resolution

Download here (Google Drive)

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